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What is building restoration?

Posted on by J Radford Group

Preserving our architecture is of vital importance for the future, not only does it denote key moments and movements in our history, but there are many structures which are arguably too beautiful to let disappear. By preserving our best and most culturally rich buildings, we can reduce the amount of virgin materials used in levelling and rebuilding. In addition to this we can also ensure future generations can enjoy these landmarks for years to come.

So what is building restoration? You’ve probably heard the term but may never have given it much thought. Preventative restoration is what we’ll focus on in this article. This involves trying to protect a building from harm or further damage. There are many different forms of harm which can be dealt to a building, taking a toll on the raw materials used in construction.

Some common ‘agents of decay’ which can impact a building or structure include:

  • Fire
  • Water
  • Radiation and light
  • Pests
  • Dust
  • Incorrect temperature or humidity
  • Vandalism or physical force

For many of these types of damage, preventative restoration techniques can be used. Since many structures which are exposed to the elements – most commonly weathering or pollution – a preventative method of restoration and renovation is vital. Most types of weathering or decay come from exposure, which means limiting this and protecting surfaces will help keep them in place for longer.

Preventative measures are also great because, even if damage has already been spotted, a preventative coating or protective layer will allow a surface to be preserved for years to come. Many years down the line, new technology or techniques could be developed to better deal with the problem than we have now.

Historic Buildings In London

There is nowhere greater in the world to look at historic architecture at its best. London provides a plethora of iconic landmarks, all of which have been protected and restored to ensure their former glory is still present for us to this day:

The Tower of London – One of the most iconic landmarks in London, the Tower of London was built in 1078 and has had many uses throughout the centuries. Sometimes referred to as The White Tower, this building has seen plenty of restorative work in.
Westminster Abbey – Intricately decorated and suspected to have been built in the year 960, so it’s not surprising that this building has seen plenty of restoration, reconstruction and redevelopment.

St Paul’s Cathedral – Known in the London skyline for its distinctive dome, the site was originally used for a church, but the recognisable structure we know now came about in the 17th Century. Avoiding heavy damage in successive wars, renovation work in the 90s spanned 15 years as one of the largest restoration projects for a UK landmark.

Old Bailey – The original court building has been around since 1585 and had to be rebuilt after the Great Fire of London. Plenty of work has been done to develop this building, which represents the British justice system.

Cleaning & Coatings

At J Radford Group we are dedicated to preserving the best-loved buildings and their features. That’s why we offer a range of services to help you protect your building, including protective coatings and façade cleaning.

Simply contact our team today to discuss your building restoration and protection needs and we’ll be happy to help.

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